
Anhydrous Lanolin Lanolin Industry Grade Lanolin Derivatives

Lanolin Fatty Acids

Lanolin Fatty Acids is produced from the hydrolysis of lanolin, a natural, renewable raw material which is obtained from the scouring (washing) of raw wool. It is a highly complex mixture of fatty acids, composed of roughly 40% by weight of straight chain acids, 20% of branched chain acids and approximately 40% of hydroxy acids. The majority of this mixture of fatty acids is saturated with carbon chain lengths from C8 to C40 that form a hard, waxy, buttery coloured solid.

Lanolin Fatty Acids is not generally used in its natural form but as a neutralised soap in applications like o/w creams and shaving soaps. It also makes a useful feedstock for lanolin esters such as Isopropyl Lanolate, Glyceryl Lanolate and Methyl Lanolate.



Prev:PEG-30 Lanolin
